Dayton Tri Course & Race Details

Get All the Information You Need for Race Day!
June 01, 2025 at Buck Creek State Park in Springfield, Ohio (just North of Dayton)
The Dayton Triathlon and Multisport Festival has something for everyone, including all ages and ability levels! Races include beginner, sprint, olympic, and â…“ iron distances in triathlons, duathlons, aquabikes, and aquathlons, with various open swim distances. Racers call this race one of the best events in Ohio because of our positive, friendly community of support! It's a small race with a big race atmosphere. Plus there is free training help, along with awesome performance tees in gender-specific cuts, in-race pictures, finisher medals, and a post-race meal! Race assured that we will ensure the safety of all athletes, have medical support and law enforcement on site, adhere to all Federal, State and Local ordinances, so you can achieve your goals! All are welcome; come out and race with us!
All Races are as scheduled, pending permits and permissions from the local jurisdiction. Please refer to the athlete guides for each of these races to learn more.
View the Race Waiver here.
Packet Pick-up Procedures
Athletes can pick up their race packets on Saturday from 4-6pm or on race morning starting at 5:45am. Packet pickup will be at the Beachfront; please look for the white tents and the registration signs. Packet Pickup will work like this:
- Please register online before you come to packet pick-up. There is no in-person race day registration at the race venue. Registration will remain open online through the start of the last race, so register before you come.
- You are welcome to pick-up packets for friends or family members. We hope this will limit groups of people and cut down on the number of people picking up packets.
- Give the staff your name and they will give you your race packet, which includes:
- Swim cap (everyone who will be swimming as a part of their race)
- Race Bib and Pins. Every athlete in the triathlon, duathlon and aquathlon will be required to wear a bib number on the front of their person during the running portion of the race ONLY. You can pin the number to you or use a race belt.
- Bike Sticker. Every athlete in the triathlon, duathlon, aquabike and cycling time trial will be required to have a race number sticker on their bike. Bike numbers can be placed on the top tube or seat post.
- Event Tee (please register at least 2 weeks in advance to be guaranteed)
- Finisher Medal (please register at least 2 weeks in advance to be guaranteed)
- NOTE: You will get your timing chip race morning, so please come back to the registration area for that race morning.
- NOTE: You will get your body marking on race morning. Please see the information below for more information on how you will be marked. You will get marked by one of our staffers on race morning.
Body Marking

- Body marking is an essential part of triathlons and other multisport races. These numbers help identify you on race day and can be used to help timers, volunteers, staff, and emergency workers identify you.
- Every racer needs to complete body marking.
- Body Marking On Site: You will get your body marking on race morning at the entrance of the Transition area (at the Transition tent - look for the banner). There will be a staff member there to body mark you.
The Transition Area
- The transition area is limited to only athletes
- You will be asked to use the racks labeled for your specific race type and distance. Please only rack in those areas.
- Racks will be labeled to designate where you can rack your bike. This allows for athletes to be spaced out in the transition area.
- To learn more about how to transition with style and speed, please visit
The Transitions FAQ
- You must store all your gear in the transition area and enter the transition area between each leg of the race.
- The transition area will be split into zones and racers will rack their bikes in the designated zones. You can put your bike anywhere on the designated racks and store your stuff below your bike.
- Open swimmers and aqua-runners will have a designated zone in the transition area to store their stuff.
- Transition Entrance and Exits will be marked with flags, signs, cones and fence.
- SWIM IN & RUN IN are on the same side of the transition area, closest to the water. You can walk or run to your rack to get your bike. Grab your bike, put on a helmet and head to Bike Out. If you are doing the Aquathlon, you can head out to the run segment of your race.
- BIKE IN & BIKE OUT: are on the opposite site of the transition area (from swim in and run in). Remember that you must wear a helmet when you are on your bike. Additionally you must put your helmet on before you leave the transition area (after you have exited the swim and picked up your bike in the transition area). You can walk or run your bike to the Mount Line, but may not ride your bike inside the transition area. Mount your bike after you cross the Mount Line and Dismount your bike before you cross the Dismount Line. Again you walk or run your bike back to your rack after you have finished your transition leg. Aquabikers go straight to the finish line after you have completed your bike; you must cross the finish line. Everyone else, after your bike is complete, head to the run portion of your race.
- RUN OUT: is in the same place as run in and swim in. You may run or walk to run out and then complete the run segment of your race. Be sure to cross the finish line at the end of your race.
Race Start Details
We are going to use a wave start for the races, but there is plenty of space to spread out if you want to maintain social distance. Here are the starting details:
- There will first be a brief pre-race meeting or you can review all the information in the athlete guide and race website for more information. You may also ask questions of our staff as needed on race day, or email or call us with questions in advance of the race.
- All races will start at the beachfront, with the exception of the duathlons, which start at the Run Out area of Transition.
- Races will start in waves in the water. Please arrive at your designated time.
Start Times
Please arrive at your designated start area at least 15 minutes before your race begins.
- 6:45am: All Duathlons Start Following a Brief Pre-Race Meeting
- 7:00am: â…“ Iron Tri, Aquabike & Aquathlon Start Following a Brief Pre-Race Meeting
- 7:15am: 5k & 3k Open Swim Start Following a Brief Pre-Race Meeting
- 7:30am: OLY Tri, Aquabike & Aquathlon Start Following a Brief Pre-Race Meeting
- 7:45am Sprint Tri, Aquabike & Aquathlon Start Following a Brief Pre-Race Meeting
- 8:15am Beginner Triathlon Start Following a Brief Pre-Race Meeting
Aid Stations
Aid Stations are an essential part of the race course, and can help maintain your energy and effort throughout the race. We will have multiple aid stations on the race course staffed by volunteers. We will have hydration and refueling products. Racers may also carry all of their own aid and hydration on course or leave their refueling products next to the course (socially distanced from others). If you place your own aid on course, please be sure your aid is clearly labeled, and that you do not interfere with other athletes on course as you place or access your aid. Races begin at 6:45am, so be sure your aid is in place before that time.
Aid Station Locations
- Swim Course: There will be a table in the water along the beach for our long distance swimmers to use as needed. The aid will be self-serve and include both hydration and fuel. You are also welcome to put your own aid on the table to access during the race.
- Bike Course: There will be a self-service aid station on the bike course near the turn around with bottled water. You will need to dismount your bike to access this aid. You are also welcome to put your own aid on the table to access during the race.
- Run Course: There are 3 aid stations on course that can be accessed multiple times throughout your run. Each will have water, Sport Drink and Nutrition. The aid stations will be at:
- Exit of transition area
- 0.75-mile mark turn around
- 1.55-mile mark turn around
Course Overview

- The course is a very scenic swim, bike and run through the Ohio countryside. The swim takes place in CJ Brown Reservoir, an inland lake, which has little boat traffic and offers a very calm swimming experience. Racers will swim out and back along the beachfront. The water is shallower near the shore and you can touch there, but on the backside of the course, you will not be able to touch bottom. Beginner triathletes will be able to touch bottom the entire swim course. The transition area will be up a small hill in the parking lots across from the Buck Creek State Park office. Athletes will be on a paved lot as they transition from segment to segment. The bike course goes through the State Park and onto the paved roads surrounding the park lands. The bike has rolling hills with 233 feet of elevation gains over the course of the 13.5 miles. The run is also mostly flat as it only rises 76 feet over the course of the 3.1 miles. The run is on a paved path and road. The run course is closed to all motorized traffic; the bike course is open to road traffic. Athletes will finish in the parking lots next to the transition area and then can celebrate their accomplishment with our post-race food and drink.
NOTE: If we have a shortage of any safety personnel, for any reason, we will modify the course to ensure safe races. We will announce any adjustments to all racers. All changes will be reflected in the athlete guide and on the individual race pages. The goal is to keep racers as safe as possible, while keeping a competitive spirit on course.
- 5k:
- Sprint racers complete this out and back 1 time for a 5k (3.1 miles)
- Olympic racers complete this out and back 2 times for a total of 10k (6.2 miles)
- â…“ Iron athletes complete this out and back 3 times for 9.3 total miles
Swim FAQ
- WETSUITS: If the water temperature is below 78 degrees we will be wetsuit legal. This means you can wear a wetsuit if you want, but you do not have to wear one.
- SWIM CAPS: Please be sure you wear a swim cap for safety. We will give you a swim cap on race day.
- COURSE: See the course maps. The courses will be marked with large buoys.
- The 5000m Swim begins with a 500m ½ lap and then 6 laps on a 750m loop.
- The 3000m Swim is 4 laps on a 750m loop.
- The 2000m Swim begins with a 500m ½ lap and then 2 laps on a 750m loop.
- The 1500m Swim is 2 laps on a 750m loop.
- The 750m Swim is 1 lap on a 750m loop.
- The 300m beginner swim is a point to point swim one way down the beach in shallow water.
- EMERGENCIES: If you need to be rescued by a lifeguard throw your hands in the air (call out if you can). If you need a rescue you will not be allowed to continue the race, unless you are cleared by our medical staff. If you are allowed to continue, you will be DQed from the race results. Along the shore the water will be shallow enough that you can stop, stand, rest or walk. If you want to walk, the water must be above your belly button. Beginner swimmers will be able to touch the bottom for the whole course. On the 750m swim loop, you cannot touch bottom on the backside of the course.
- TO TRANSITION & OPEN SWIM FINISH: Once you have completed your swim, exit the water and run up the beach to the transition area or the finish line. Follow the cones, chalk and signs.
- SWIM CUT OFF: Everyone must have completed the swim course by 10:00am. This should give everyone plenty of time to complete this segment of the race.
Bike FAQ

- WHAT BIKE TO USE: You can ride most any upright human powered bike in the race including but not limited to road bikes (10 speed), mountain bikes, & hybrid bikes.
- HELMET: Remember that you must wear a helmet when you are on your bike. Additionally you must put your helmet on before you leave the transition area (after you have exited the swim and picked up your bike in the transition area).
- DRAFTING IS NOT ALLOWED: Please refer to the USA Triathlon rules for more information.
- COURSE MARKINGS: The bike course is marked with signs and cones. There will be a sign at each turn, so if you do not see a sign, please proceed straight. All turns are marked with signs. We DO NOT make any marks on the roadway surface, so please ignore all paint on the road surface. These are from other races and may take you off course.
- SAFETY: The roads are open to traffic, so please obey traffic laws unless law enforcement tells you otherwise. Law enforcement will be on all corners and in major intersections. You may have the right of way but cars may not know this, so be alert. Please stay within your lane when turning; avoid oncoming traffic when turning. Please ride on the RIGHT side of your lane as close to the WHITE line as possible unless you are passing or it is unsafe. DO NOT pass cars unless you are instructed to do so. You would not want them to turn into you. Should you have an emergency, alert another rider so they can get help. Be sure you obey the traffic laws unless an officer is present and allows you to proceed & has stopped all the cars. Please put safety first, and have a great race!
- COURSE MAPS: Please review the course maps before the race. It is your duty to know the course. Each race venue will have its own unique bike course.
- Beginners ride the beginner course counter clockwise to complete 1 loop for 8.5 total miles
- Sprinters ride counter clockwise to complete 1 loop for 12 total miles
- Olympic racers ride counter clockwise for 2 loops for 24 total miles
- The â…“ Iron race is 3 counter clockwise loops for 36 total miles
- When athletes are done they head to the transition area to finish or transition to the next segment.
- BIKE CUT OFF: Everyone must have completed the bike course by 11:00am. This should give everyone plenty of time to complete this segment of the race.

- COURSE MAPS: Please review the course maps before the race. It is your duty to know the course. The run course is marked with signs, cones and chalk. If you do not see a sign, cone or chalk/spray arrow keep going straight. There will also be volunteers on course as well. Each race venue will have its own unique run course, so please review the course maps. All runs will be out and back.
- There will be one common 5k, out and back, course used by all athletes. Athletes will run 1.55-miles out and 1.55 miles back on course.
- If you are running 1.5 miles you will turn around at the .75-mile mark.
- If you are running 3.1-miles you will complete 1 lap of the course.
- If you are running 6.2-miles you will complete 2 laps of the course.
- If you are running 9.3-miles you will complete 3 laps of the course.
The Finish Line
All athletes will have a common finish line where you walk, jog or run through the common finish line. Open Water Swimmers need to run up the beach and through the finish line. Aquabikers need to rack their bikes and then walk, jog or run through the finish line. Everyone else will finish their run race segment and run through the finish line arch.
Post Race
We will have a photobooth, music, food and drink after the race for you. You are welcome to enjoy the post race experience and celebrate your race with family and friends.
Results will be available online at right after the race or at later in the day. Results will be submitted to USA Triathlon within 15 days of the race. Results are submitted in 5-year age group increments for the triathlon, duathlon, aquabike and aquathlon for the purposes of USAT rankings
More Great Races to Consider!
Dayton Triathlon & Multisport Championships at Buck Creek State Park in Springfield, OH on June 01, 2025
Buckeye Triathlon & Multisport Festival at Cowan Lake in Wilmington, OH on June 22, 2025
Cincinnati Triathlon & Multisport Festival at Caesar Creek State Park in Waynesville, OH on August 17, 2025
Zoom RedHawks Triathlon Festival at Hueston Woods State Park in Oxford, OH on September 14, 2025
View the Race Waiver here.